Saturday, November 1, 2014

No More Sunday Run Days

I ran a 10 miler race this past Sunday, I met up with a few other gals, we wore mermaid running costumes, and we had a fun time. But I felt in my heart that God wants me to stop doing races on Sundays. So, I decided after this one I wouldn't race on Sunday anymore. I found a half marathon race in November that is on a Saturday, which is rare... but they exist. 

It's not about attending church, because there are plenty of services for me to attend that aren't on Sunday mornings, I actually did attend an evening service last week. But I sing in choir, and I also sing for special music numbers and I'm in one of the Praise and worship teams that rotates in once a month, and I occasionally am needed to fill in on the keyboard or to play the piano. Sometimes I am asked to fill in for those that are sick or on vacation. And this past Sunday wasn't a choir day, nor a praise team day for me, but my music director was a bit bummed because he was going to ask me to sing in a small group ensemble on Sunday. I was kinda bummed too. I really enjoy helping with the music ministry at my church. I know I don't have the BEST voice, nor am I the most talented pianist there ever was... but what little I have, I have given to God to use. And by doing these races on Sundays I am missing out on serving in this area of ministry, to which I have been called. And I am missing out on being blessed. I always feel blessed and humbled every time God chooses to use me to serve our church in this capacity.

The theme of the past few weeks, in my Bible studies and at church, has been surrendering everything over to God. I gave my running to God while I was training for the LA Full Marathon earlier this year. He first had me turn my music on my MP3 player totally over to Him. So, I did. While I ran every word I meditated on, and it got stuck in my head. And if it was not uplifting then I was thinking on things that I really didn't want in my brain. Then I got an injury below my right knee, and He asked me to trust Him to heal me, to stop running and ride my bike to train. So, I trusted Him. And He healed my knee and I ran and finished the LA Marathon! The experience was humbling, and it brought me much closer to God. After that race I found a Bible study called "Run for God," and it was exactly what I had experienced, so I led a Bible study group to do their first 5k and 10k as we went through that. And now a devotional book is coming out in November from the Run for God people, and I have my marathon story in it! (Which is exciting!) I thought God and I were good, what else was there to hand over?

Interesting thing about God, He always figures out what you are holding back from Him, and then He asks for it to be given to Him. I joked with my brother when he was here for a visit a couple months ago, "Can't I have anything for myself? Must God take EVERY thing?" My brother is an Episcopal Priest, and he knows what I mean. God likes to insert Himself into every aspect of our lives, and then He likes to take it over. Even when something is "good," like running, He still wants it under submission to Him. He may not take away what we love (although He may do that sometimes) but He will make sure we are glorifying Him in whatever we do. Because He is Holy, and He wants everything in the Christian's life to reflect His perfect Holiness. (And that is quite a process, because I am neither "perfect" nor "holy.")

“Since you have heard about Jesus and have learned the truth that comes from him, throw off your old sinful nature and your former way of life, which is corrupted by lust and deception. Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God — truly righteous and holy.” (Ephesians 4:21-24 NLT)

That verse may not seem like it applies at first glance, because my running may not fit the category of "old sinful nature" or "lust and deception" but I am in process of letting the Spirit renew my thoughts and attitudes. And part of putting on my "new nature" is to be like God, as the verse says. "Truly righteous and holy," are the words it uses to describe this new nature. So, it does apply.

I also heard a sermon on 1 John 5:20-21, "20And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. 21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols." And again, you may read verse 21 and think, "I don't have any idols! How does that verse apply to me?" But it does apply when you think of an idol in these terms: an idol is anything we love more than we love God, or give a higher place than God in priority in our life. Now can you think of anything that is an idol in your life? The Pastor that was giving this sermon said even our children can be our idol. And that would be very easy to do, because their needs go before my needs, and I love them so dearly. But even they need to take a back seat to God. May sound a little strange, but as Deuteronomy 6:5 says, "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might." And Jesus quoted that verse as the greatest commandment!

So, there is my little lesson for the day. Which is actually quite a BIG lesson, if you think about it. Because as human beings we have a sinful nature, and we are not perfect, so there will be many things in our life that God will be asking us to lay on the altar before Him. Just as Abraham was willing to lay his own son, Isaac, on the altar of sacrifice to God, we too must be willing to do the same. Abraham was lucky, an Angel of the Lord stopped his hand before he sacrificed his son. And perhaps God will do the same thing in my life, and in your life. He will ask for the sacrifice, but not take it away completely (like my running). But you must be willing to give it up.Because perhaps He will take it under submission and take away the idol completely from you, because it is a stumbling block in your life. But just know this, if He asks for the sacrifice, He has a better plan for you. He will replace the idols of your life with greater blessings and the gift of fellowship with Him. Fellowship with the creator, God?! How mind blowing is that? I am humbled by that thought, that God is jealous for my time, and desires to be in fellowship with ME. Little ol' me.

God bless you all today, and always. Amen.

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